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Our Workout Programs




Increased strength and range of motion, making your body more athletic and comfortable

Avoid injury, improve joint health, train for sport specific situations, dominate your weight class and become harder to kill.  


Power is not strength. Power = Force x Velocity. Force = Mass x Acceleration. We devolpe speed & power so we can generate high levels of force during the entire match. Instead of focung only on max strength we can focus on moving heavy things fast.


Feel better, move better and experience less pain. Staying flexible and mobile is key for keeping joints healthy and moving well. Develop your own personal body armor and maintain healthy joints like hips, knees, neck and shoulders.



Enhanced recovery so you can preform at a high-level on and off the mats. Performance nutrition, rest, active and passive recovery, as well as proper use of supplementation.



Boosted cardio allows you to move more efficiently, so you can train harder for longer. Proper conditioning is one of the most essential elements in Jiu Jitsu.


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Here's Exactly What You Get


Personalized Programs designed for BJJ athletes and enthusiast who want to perform their best on the mats. Increase strength, improve mobility, gain stability, bulletproof your body, add lean mass, increase endurance, increase your gas tank and eliminate useless fat. Workout programs & performance nutrition is tailored to each students goals. Learn to achieve & maintain your goals!

Elite BJJ Strength App

Various techniques & training methods to support your training. Video demos & instructional to Such as Strength & Conditioning, Eccentric Isometrics, Speed & Power, Functional Stability, Foundational Mobility and Flexibility. Free Weights, Body Weight, Machines, Kettlebell and Home Gym.s 

Jiu Jitsu Focused Training

The 3 biggest components of BJJ are Technique, Conditioning and Strength. Achieve a higher takedown rate, improve your strength for submissions, increase your grip strength, gain stability, learn to control your entire body, improve mobility and maximize your conditioning & endurance. 

Avoid Guesswork With A Plan

Structured training protocols for gains and performance. Maximize your use of the gym, save time, remove excuses and avoid under or over training. Nothing will be overlooked. Custom workouts will be on our App. It shows you video demonstrations, tells you which exercises to do, how many reps, how many sets, how much intensity and how often to train. Our App also tracks progress of each workout.

We Have Your Back

Join the community that can shift your BJJ and Life. Get feedback and support when you need it. 24 Hour Support, Weekly/Daily Check-ins, Bi-weekly video call and Facebook Support Group. Accountability & Motivation make an incredible difference in Execution and Results.

Are You Ready For A New You?

Increased Muscular Strength 

Improved Speed & Power 

Better Balance & Flexibility 

Improved Mobility 

Improved Muscle Tone & Definition 

Greater Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem 

Increased Energy Levels 

Improved Conditioning & Endurance 

Improved Sleep 

Improved Brain Function & Health 

Apply For Grappling Performance Program

Everybody and every body is different. Custom plan designed for your goals and needs. Whether you're a 40 year old purple belt, a world class blue belt, you're just starting out. Elite BJJ Strength's programs are for you. Apply bellow to improve your performance on the mat!


100% Custom Training Programs

Custom programs designed for Jiu Jitsu Athletes Needs. Personalized 1:1 Coaching & Monthly Workout Memberships tailored to the individual based on your goals & needs. Training programs for all levels, focusing on improving your  movement efficiency, mobility, functional strength, speed, power,  levels, speed and overall endurance. Gain superior strength, improve your confidence, gain the power to control & out work your opponents.


Nutrition Targets & Meal Plans

You'll get custom macronutrients to follow along with your program. You will receive a meal plan and grocery list based on your preferences and goals. You will receive nutritional guidance as well as an monthly meal plan & calorie adjustments. When you combine nutrition and training together you'll see the best results possible. I specialize in keeping my students held accountable for nutrition and exercise daily.

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